Report a pest in the Port of Gladstone
Biosecurity at Gladstone Ports Corporation
At Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC), we have biosecurity procedures and measures in place to protect the environments in which we operate from pest flora, fauna, viruses and diseases that pose a risk and potential harm to the biodiversity of our ports.
GPC manages the first point of entry for international vessels at our three operational port precincts – the Port of Gladstone, Port of Bundaberg and Port of Rockhampton. Timely reports assist us in the early detection of exotic pests to prevent them from becoming established within Australia.
As a landholder, GPC also has a responsibility to manage established pests on our land. Reports from the public can greatly assist us with this management.
If you see a biosecurity risk or pest, report it below or contact GPC's Environment Team on (07) 4976 1333.
Report a pest in the Port of Gladstone
If you have seen something unusual you think may be a pest or biosecurity risk at the Port of Gladstone, you can report it here. Please place a pin drop of its location on this map and provide as much detail as possible, as well as any photos you have.
Alternatively, you can report a pest by contacting GPC's Environment Team on (07) 4976 1333.